A Very Special Day – 09/26/2019

Is mysterious adventure not always intriguing!

Twenty one years ago today I climbed Sagamook, a majestic mountain few know anything about or have ever even heard of.
At my blog, go to Odyssey ’98. Then look up:
Saturday—September 26, 1998
Trail Day—253/13
Trail Mile—3783/221
Location—Park Offices, Mt. Carleton Provincial Park, NB Canada (my northbound ECT trek)
Here, you’ll read the account of my experience that day on Sagamook, how I became spellbound by the mystic, captivating nature of that mountain.
And Flagg Mountain? It, too, mysteriously attracts us–for it emits a form of energy much as does Sagamook. I was inescapably drawn here to Flagg on December 14th, the year 2000 (during my southbound ECT trek). That day I leaned against the stone tower, as I wept with my head cradled in my arms. It was then I realized that someday I’d be compelled to return to Flagg. I knew not when or for what reason.
Ah, and so now you see, I did return! For many days past, and for this day, here I remain–on Flagg Mountain…
God Bless,

11 Comments on “A Very Special Day – 09/26/2019

  1. Hi there, What a beautiful place to be!! Hope to get back there some day. Honey


  2. Hope to get back to Flagg Mt. and see you again before the years end.
    We live a couple of hundred miles north but want to come back. Was glad to chat with you there prior to your trip across Route 66. Just glad you had a safe trip. Robert


  3. Wonderful to receive your ‘news’ from Flagg Mt. I still haven’t given up trying to get there. We’ll see!


  4. Sunny, It was good to hear from you. I am ashamed not to have been down to the mountain to see you in quite awhile. It has been a hectic summer, and it has been so hot for so long that I haven’t wanted to do much of anything. I’ve got a busy October too, but I hope to visit before too much longer. Blessings, Earl Lewis (Coach)

    On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 8:19 PM Nimblewill Nomad wrote:

    > nimblewillnomad posted: “Is mysterious adventure not always intriguing! > Twenty one years ago today I climbed Sagamook, a majestic mountain few know > anything about or have ever even heard of. At my blog, go to Odyssey ’98. > Then look up: Saturday—September 26, 1998 Trail Day—253/1” >


  5. If hiking to the top of Mt. Carleton includes hiking over Mt. Sagamook, I’ve been there as I climbed Mt. Carleton!!!

    Sent from my iPhone


  6. That was a beautifully written entry (for Sep 26,1998) and a very touching experience for you. I hope to have those kinds of soul stirring things happen to me also, especially out in nature. You went to the right place at the right time I believe.


  7. And think of all the miles you’ve walked and all the people you’ve met since then! You’re right where you should be on that Alabama mountain. Glad to have gotten to know you, my friend.


  8. What a beautiful poem, often we barely take time to enjoy the summit in a rush to make the assigned miles for the day. It’s fantastic to slow down and allow the beauty and the mountain’s energy to effect us. Thank you for the link to this special climb!


  9. So good to hear from you Eb. We think you often and keep you in our prayers.


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